
Literatur-Übersicht Zellkultur-Qualitätskontrolle

Langsam und schleichend hält die Qualitätskontrolle Einzug in die Zellkultur. Wer sich auf den neusten Stand bringen möchte, sollte diese Artikel gelesen haben!


Good cell culture practice (GCCP)-an initiative for standardization and quality control of in vitro studies. The establishment of an ECVAM Task Force on GCCP].

Hartung T, Gstraunthaler G, Coecke S, Lewis D, Blanck O, Balls M.ALTEX 2001;18(1):75-8. German.

Good Cell Culture Practice. ECVAM Good Cell Culture Practice Task Force Report 1.

Hartung T, Balls M, Bardouille C, Blanck O, Coecke S, Gstraunthaler G, Lewis D: ECVAM Good Cell Culture Practice Task Force. Alternatives to laboratory animals: ATLA 2002 Jul-Aug;30(4):407-14.

Guidance on good cell culture practice. a report of the second ECVAM task force on good cell culture practice.

Coecke S, Balls M, Bowe G, Davis J, Gstraunthaler G



Quality of Biotechnological Products Q5A - Q5E

Derivation and Characterisation of Cell Substrates Used for Production of Biotechnological/Biological Products