
Literatur-Übersicht zu Zellkultur-Kontaminationen

Auf dieser Seite haben wir für interessante Artikel zu Zellkultur-Kontaminationen wie Bakterien, Hefen, Pilzen, Mycoplasmen, Viren und Prionen zusammengestellt.

Weitere Hilfestellung bekommen Sie auch in unseren Kursen Kontaminationsvermeidung, Aseptik und Hygiene, Qualitätsmanagement sowie Mykoplasmennachweis und Eliminierung.

Cell culture contamination: an overview.

Langdon SP.: Methods Mol Med 2004;88:309-17. Review


Literatur zu Bakterien-Kontaminationen in der Zellkultur

Bakterielle Kontaminationen kommen in allen Nutzungsbereichen von Zellkulturen vor. In der universitären Forschung genauso wie in der industriellen Produktion und der klinischen Anwendung von Zellen. Im Folgenden haben wir versucht, diese drei Bereiche einzeln zu belegen.

Bakterien in klinischen Produkten

Risk factors for microbial contamination of peripheral blood stem cell products.

Donmez A, Aydemir S, Arik B, Tunger A, Cilli F, Orman M, Tombuloglu M.: Transfusion 2012 Apr;52(4):777-81.

  • 5.9% of prepared products were found contaminated
  • 3.6% of thawed produty were found contaminated
  • 20% of patients that received a contaminated product suffered from infection of detected contaminant-species post-implantation
  • 35% of patients that received a contaminated product suffered from infection of other than detected contaminant-species post-implantation
  • besides others, the number of handling steps proved to be a risk-factor for contamination
Bakterien Kontamination Aggregate

Limiting and detecting bacterial contamination of apheresis platelets: inlet-line diversion and increased culture volume improve component safety.

Eder AF, Kennedy JM, Dy BA, Notari EP, Skeate R, Bachowski G, Mair DC, Webb JS, Wagner SJ, Dodd RY, Benjamin RJ (American Red Cross Regional Blood Centers): Transfusion 2009 Aug;49(8):1554-63.

  • contamination safety was compared after changing preparation procedure and increasing test-sample volumes
  • in part, contaminants found belonged to skin-flora
  • before changes, 25.9% of samples were found contamination-positive
  • after changes, this was reduced to 14% contamination-positive cultures
  • doubling the sample culture volume increased safety by 54%

Evaluation of an automated culture system for detecting bacterial contamination of platelets: an analysis with 15 contaminating organisms.

Brecher ME, Means N, Jere CS, Heath D, Rothenberg S, Stutzman LC.: Transfusion 2001 Apr;41(4):477-82.

  • 24h cultivation time seems necessary for safe detection